America’s Militarized Culture

Pop Culture, War

A friend sent me Bob Murphy’s recent wall post:

Robert Murphy was flipping through the TV in the hotel room. On the History channel they were celebrating a sniper who apparently just broke the record for the longest kill shot. (He hit a Taliban guy from over a mile away.) They were interviewing him like he just won a hot dog eating contest. Regardless of your views on foreign policy, that is just sick.

My $.02:  Despite the paleo praise of “the white man” and his culture, the fact is that “white people” have been, are, and seem determined to be nothing but a bunch of self-aggrandizing barbarians. The military culture is the cause, not the effect here.  We are talking about a group of people that, for most of their history, saw nothing wrong with killing each other for sport.  This is just the latest incarnation of that “glorious” cultural tradition.

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To the Youth of Egypt: How Can We Help?

Anti-Statism, The Basics

Here in America it has been difficult to get good reports about everything that is happening in Egypt. Every reporter has some agenda; they are more interested in making you fit their story, than making the story fit you. Still, even with the limited information available, I can see that what you managed to do is impressive.

Organizing non-violent protests to stand up to a brutal dictator takes courage. Bringing down a government supported by a super-power takes dedication. That you managed to do this without waging a war makes your success all the more admirable. You have given hope to the oppressed and energized the defenders of liberty in every nation. We are all inspired by your example: in the midst of the chaos, Muslims and Christians took turns protecting one another’s religious worship; in the absence of police, private citizens organized security to protect lives and property; when confronted by armed thugs, you held your ground in defense of liberty. For all that you have done, and for all that I hope you will achieve, I salute your bravery, integrity, and honor.

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eBook: Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed

(Austrian) Economics, Anti-Statism, Education, Non-Fiction Reviews

Understanding basic economics is crucial for all libertarians.  No other field offers as clear and irrefutable a case for liberty.  Indeed, statism draws much of its support from the public’s flawed understanding of economics.  Even libertarians are occasionally led astray by flawed economic reasoning.  A friend recently brought a book designed to combat such flaws to my attention:  Geoffrey E. Wood’s Fifty Economic Fallacies Exposed.

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Statism in the UK: Paychecks to be preprocessed by the state

Anti-Statism, Finance, History, Taxation, Totalitarianism

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, stressing “the need for employers to provide real-time information to the government so that it can monitor all payments and make a better assessment of whether the correct tax is being paid”, has proposed to modernize the UK’s income tax system.  Once employers provide payroll information in real-time, “it further proposes that employers hand over employee salaries to the government first.”

I’m sure that subjects of the Crown have nothing to fear.  The state can be trusted to process their paychecks promptly, correctly, and efficiently.  Only a crank would object to this modernization plan.  After all, everyone fondly remembers the Star Chamber that evolved out of a similar medieval program for keeping tabs on the Jews.  Since it worked out so well last time, how could anyone expect things to go wrong now?

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