Article: Is Inequality and Asymmetry Really Problematic?

Featured Articles, Legal System, Libertarian Theory, The Left

InequalityIn “How Inequality Shapes Our Lives,” Roderick Long argues that asymmetric relationships between services providers and customers or employers and employees are problematic. Some examples he cites include creditor-debtor relationships (e.g., credit cards), service provider-customer relationships (e.g., your ISP), landlord-tenant relationships, and employer-employee relationships. Professor Long’s fundamental objection to these asymmetric relationships is the alleged asymmetry in consequences for failure to meet obligations.

Read the Full Article by David J. Heinrich

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Intellectual Property: A Simple Example

IP Law

Patents are voicing an idea and then telling everyone else they can’t use that idea without licensing it. For example, I might find a better way to fish and then prevent anyone who saw me use that new technique from employing it themselves. The fact that I had a new idea doesn’t give me the right to prevent others from arranging their property in the configuration they desire.

Intellectual Property: A Simple Example Read Post » Available as a Torrent Download!

Anti-Statism, Education, Technology

The Ludwig von Mises Institute has issued the second release of all of the content on their website as torrent files. This means that you can download all of the content available on (as of June 15, 2010) by downloading various torrent files and opening them up with your torrent client (e.g., uTorrent, Vuze, or Transmission). This is great both for those who read or listen to the media from that website. Thank you David Veksler, Jeffrey Tucker, and everyone else at the Mises Institute who made this possible!

The benefits of this are enormous. All of the information, wisdom, and knowledge on is available for $0 to the general public, via Torrent download.1 This directly contradicts what Statists would have us believe is the nature of the free-market — people exploiting each other to succeed. How then do they explain the Mises Institute? The Mises Institute is a truly philanthropic organization, which helps thousands through education: education through peace and persuasion, not “education” at the barrel of a gun.

This will help the Mises Institute, its patrons, and readers in numerous ways. Instead of having to navigate to the page or Media section of and use browser plugins or spiders, those with a thirst for knowledge and understanding of economics and the free market can simply download everything they want through one torrent file. It also saves the Mises Institute tons of bandwidth, because people downloading torrents simultaneously share in the upload burden by seeding the file (if you download the file, please try to seed until your upload:download ratio is 1.2, this is normal Torrent etiquette). There is a dynamic carryover effect to torrenting: one person might only seed for a few weeks, but dozens of people who leeched from him might seed for a few weeks as well. Thus, there is a kind of digital compounding or interest-effect. Contrary to what you might think — and contrary to what advocates of intellectual property and particularly copyrights would tell you — this will not hurt sales of books, but rather boost them, as explained by Jeffrey Tucker.

We can also think of this as a kind of grassroots, guerrilla intellectual resistance. The entire media, book, journal, and PDF library will be distributed to thousands of hard drives around the world, will be shared by thousands of people. It can’t shut it down simply by shutting down the Mises Institute anymore. This has two benefits: (1) People can access content even if the website is down, provided they have the torrents; (2) If the US government wanted to shut down, it would still face the distributed world-wide torrents, which would be almost impossible to shut down by a central authority.

So for those of you who are interested, please download: Help and yourself at the same time. Download the books, pdfs, journal articles, videos, and mp3 files; listen to, watch, or read them; enjoy the overwhelming amount of knowledge you can have at your fingertips. This is truly a great example of Austrian economics at work: both parties clearly gain something from the interaction ex ante and almost certainly ex post too!

The blog announcement:

Mises Torrents 2.0 Available

It’s been about a year early since the first public release of torrents containing all the document and media content on The Mises Institute staff adds new content frequently, so it is time for version 2.0.  Here are the 2010 torrents: Mises Media (132 GB), Books (8.6GB), Journals (4.1 GB), PDFs (324 MB), and ReasonPapers (1.4 GB).

For more files and details see the original announcement.  If you are new to BitTorrent, install the uTorrent client, open the links above, and you’ll be on your way.

If you downloaded an earlier version of this content, please do not re-download everything.  In both uTorrent and Vuze, you can get just the missing files.  In uTorrent,  start the download and let it create the placeholder directory, then stop it.  Overwrite the placeholder directory with your existing files, then “Force Re-Check.”  You can do the same in Vuze –  just enable the option to “Truncate existing files that are too large” under Options->Files.  Then resume.

By my best calculations, we seeded last year’s torrents to thousands of computers worldwide and served over 4 terabytes from our servers alone.  Please help us spread the word and make this release even bigger.

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  1. I would like to thank Manuel Lora, Michael Barnett, and Geoffrey A. Plauche for their helpful insights and comments on this blog post. Available as a Torrent Download! Read Post »

Article: Justice for All Without the State

Featured Articles, Libertarian Theory, Private Security & Law

Writing on The American Conservative website, Daniel McCarthy argues in “Anarcho-Distributism” that the so-called state of nature that libertarians discuss would not resemble what a Stateless society would look like if the State collapsed. He argues that reasoning from the state of nature may not be the correct starting point for conceptualizing or building an alternative political structure. He therefore claims that anarcho-capitalist arguments about how private defense agencies, protection agencies, or dispute resolution organizations work assume a certain level of equality which would not be present in reality and that these institutions of justice would thus favor the rich. I argue in this article that the free market can provide justice without disproportionately favoring the rich.

Read the Full Article by David J. Heinrich

Afterwards, discuss the article below.

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Capitalism is the Greatest Achievement of Human History — Praise It

(Austrian) Economics

I am grateful that we have capitalism to the extent that we in fact do have it — and although we certainly don’t have enough capitalism, I am grateful for how much we actually do have. Everything we have in the modern civilized world is only possible due to capitalism and the accumulation of capital. It is the natural expression of free markets whenever there is a sufficient level of civilization. The accumulation of capital is essential for the progress of civilization in all aspects. Technological progress alone is insufficient. While capital accumulation has occurred to various extents throughout history, the system of capitalism is a more recent development allowing for much more efficient capital accumulation and development.

It is actually quite incredible to think of how much prior civilization, technological progress, and accumulated capital are necessary to make something as simple as a screw. Even with the instructions and all relevant knowledge, primitive people wouldn’t be able to make them for at least decades, possibly centuries. When you think about the precise dimensions of something as simple as a screw, you realize it obviously required something very precise to make it (e.g., precise casting). And that thing required something precise to make it, and so-on and so-forth. It is a process of building up more and more sophisticated tools from simpler ones, which requires significant capital accumulation.

It is also doubtful that many people, if any, know the entire production process — from raw earth materials to finished product — for even something as simple as a screw. Its production requires the voluntarily cooperative interactions of numerous people. Furthermore, as my friend Juan Fernando Carpio has argued in a forthcoming paper, the human mind and body are both capital goods, which require development. The entirety of human knowledge, considered in the abstract, is akin to the accumulation of capital goods. To the extent that we have civilization, such is only possible because of the accumulation of different kinds of capital.

This is something ignored by socialists of every variety, be they anarchist or Statist socialists. (I would argue that an anarchist socialist will, when faced with the reality of how free people actually act, either have to at least tacitly endorse private property and capitalism, or will become a Statist). The various systems advocated by socialist anarchists all hinder or make impossible capital accumulation. For example, various flavors of anarchist socialism might attempt to ban — how can they do this while remaining anarchist? — absentee ownership or the separation of ownership and control (i.e., corporations). The banning of either would result in rising time-preferences and thus greatly decrease incentives for saving and capital accumulation.

Some Suggested Readings

Ludwig von Mises, 2008 [1956]. The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality. Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, AL.
Reisman, George. 2002. “Some Fundamental Insights Into the Benevolent Nature of Capitalism“. Mises Daily. October 24.
Rothbard, Murray N. 2009. “Capitalism versus Statism“. Mises Daily. September 29.
Leonard E. Read, “I, Pencil,” The Freeman, December 1958.

Capitalism is the Greatest Achievement of Human History — Praise It Read Post »

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