1 thought on “HOMELESS-WINTER-2”

  1. Baskets Of Faith Church And Missions
    C/O Pastor / Reverend William Barhorst
    2517 Lindsay Street
    Chester Pa 19013
    (610) 800-3923
    Jesus said in Matthew 25:31-46:
    “Whatsoever you do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto me. If you do it not unto them, you do it not unto me.”
    Hi Lucy,
    I found your blog searching for pictures of homeless people…
    I am asking if I can use the picture of the one homeless man on the park bench. I am making a video to put on youtube to raise funds for our mission helping the homeless, particularly our disabled homeless veterans and many others. I am making sort of a collage of homeless people in a video to get financial support. I was homeless for many years while fighting for disability which took a long time. I started my first charities while homeless, helping others and remained homeless even after I won my disability. I am working with landlords that own homes that are in disrepair and trying to get some old closed up buildings in my community to convert into shelters and soup kitchens because I want to help end this plight of hunger and homelessness that affect so many here in America. Many of the shelters are poor in providing safety for those in them and no shelters allow couples or pets. I want to open shelters that would set a new standard in providing all the help for everyone needing it. As it works I will tell you our successes so you could implement them in your community or maybe you can do a story on our mission.
    We have well over 600,000 homeless veterans of which 6,000 are female veterans that many end up losing their children and all rights to them all sleeping on our streets. That is the latest statistic which was a number they had back in 1997! I am sure the numbers now especially due to the world economy has increased by at least 100,000. That’s just veterans! Not counting the rest of the homeless population which I would guess if 25% of our population and growing rapidly because many are one check away from becoming homeless.
    Let me know if I can use the photo in the video.

    I thank you in advance for your much needed and anticipated help regarding this matter.
    In Christ’s Service,
    Pastor William Barhorst
    Pastor Baskets Of Faith Church And Missions
    2517 Lindsay Street
    Chester Pa 19013
    (610) 800-3923

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