Easy to Miss

Business, Technology

It’s easy to miss, but if you happen to catch this video floating around, unassumingly, on YouTube, you will witness a marvel of the modern age.

This development alone is more heroic than anything Obama has done in two years with the most powerful position in the world.

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Free Market Wealth Redistribution

(Austrian) Economics, Business, Humor

Look at this video featuring a brilliant young entrepreneur who is engaging in the only proper way to redistribute wealth: with full consent from all parties. In this case, no doubt, he is helping to move money from the pockets of professional athletes, entertainers, and heirs into his own and those from whom he purchases goods and services.

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Erecting Entry-preneurial Barriers

Business, Protectionism, Victimless Crimes

The caption accompanying this NY Times article picture of a street vendor selling bottled-water reads “Many sidewalk peddlers are doing record business, though the city considers it against the law to sell water without a license.”

I think Brad Spangler’s timely Facebook status update expresses how one should react to this:

Note carefully that states will be glad to bust down doors, “sweep streets” and so on in order to combat the problem of child prostitution. What states will not do is stop making the only choice for many prostitution or starvation, by impoverishing the populace with taxes, regulation and the sclerotic choking off of economic opportunities other than prostitution.

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Why Can’t LeBron Get Any Love?

Business, Pop Culture

“People who love only once in their lives are. . . shallow people.  What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom or their lack of imagination.”~ Oscar Wilde

I have an admission to make:  I didn’t watch any of ESPN’s coverage of “The LeBron Decision.”  I don’t remember what I was doing, but it probably involved something on the order of importance of putting clean newspaper in a bird cage or trying to identify navel lint or trimming my pet’s toenails.  You know—big, important, relevant stuff.

That disclaimer aside, I find myself puzzled by the coverage LeBron’s decision has gotten after he made it.  Luminaries from across the entertainment and sports spectrum, including the august Bryant Gumble, have jumped on the LeBron-is-a-schmuck bandwagon.  (If you’re hoping to get a seat, I say move fast.  Bob Ryan might save you one, if you ask nicely.)   Charles Barkley has chimed in, as has Michael Jordan (MJ). Apparently LeBron embarrassed himself as he pandered to the excessive coverage.  (Actually, maybe he did.)  Gumble, speaking as part of the closing commentary of his HBO sports news magazine, accused LeBron, among other things, of being shallow and overly pre-occupied with winning.  MJ, ostensibly commenting on the fact that LeBron has “teamed up” with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh versus staying in Cleveland, supposedly said, “I would never have called Magic [Johnson] or Larry [Bird].” Really?

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