FreeSpeechMe: The Anti-Censorship Anti-Hijacking Free Software Dot-Bit Plug-in


Lots of interesting developments in the liberty space of late, such as Bitcoin, and other projects like General GovernanceBlueseed, the Honduran Free Cities project, and Jeff Tucker’s imminent (I’m involved in GG and the latter).

An exciting new project I learned about recently is FreeSpeechMe (mirror), a project by libertarian Michael Dean and others.

This is a project to spread and improve Dot-Bit (.bit), “a new top-level domain that, unlike Dot-Com, Dot-Net, Dot-UK, etc., is NOT controlled by any government or corporation.” It only costs about 7 cents to register, using Namecoin (a derivative of BitCoin). To access a .bit domain, a browser plug-in can be used. This was discussed in detail in an discussion by Dean on the Ed and Ethan show the other day

Check out their IndieGoGo campaign; video is below. I just donated half a bitcoin to it.

More information including press release, video, program, and source code: (mirror).

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