New Syndicated Series: Nina Paley’s Mimi and Eunice Webcomic


Great news!

We’re launching a new series on The Libertarian Standard. We will be syndicating the IP-related installments of a funny (and free!) new comic strip, Mimi and Eunice, created by Nina Paley.

Nina is a creative artist and anti-copyright innovator, creator of Sita Sings the Blues (see The Creator-Endorsed Mark as an Alternative to Copyright; Interview: Nina Paley on Copyright; Nina Paley’s “All Creative Work is Derivative”; Power to the Pixel 2009: Nina Paley).

We have some catching up to do getting some of Nina’s older strips published here, but once we’re caught up we’ll be posting each one as they come out.  If you enjoy them as much as we do, please consider supporting Nina’s work!

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