Over 2,400 tax-feeders-in-training are threatening to go ‘on strike’ by skipping classes today in protest over the MTA’s plan to cut NYC students’ free usage of the subway & bus system, which is an annual subsidy of at least $214 million (assuming they only use it twice a day to travel between home and school.)
Students decry the hardship and indignity of having to actually pay for something which might cut into their costly cell phone, video game and designer-jeans budgets. The strange thing is that I can’t see the downside here — in fact I’d like to think of this as a ‘win-win’ situation.
When you have tax-feeding minnows fed a steady diet of statist “chum” their entire miserable lives then this is the natural outcome. Take a look at France and how they religiously go berserk every time even the whiff of tax supported educational luxuries being “reduced” ever airs.
In France even the unemployed go ‘on strike’.