I heard two superb podcasts this morning:
- Lew Rockwell’s interview of Tom Woods on “Nullification!”–a discussion of Woods’s forthcoming book, Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century. With Meltdown, and now, with this book, I think Woods has become one of the most significant and influential libertarian thinkers on the planet. I mean that literally.
Reason.tv interview with Harvard professor and libertarian Jeffrey Miron about his forthcoming book Libertarianism, from A to Z, which I just downloaded on the Kindle app on my iPad. Miron appears to be a consequentialist, but any new voice championing liberty is to be welcome; with the new Woods book, this one, and the forthcoming Libertarianism Today by J.H. Huebert and The Conscience of an Anarchist by Gary Chartier, there will be a wealth of great new introductory material available this year.
- Bonus podcast pick: Scott Horton’s absolutely riveting interview with Peter Lance about terrorism, the FBI’s incompetence, and related matters.